• Vacancy at INDOFOOD Jakarta


    PT. Indosurance, (Indofood Group) a well-established insurance broker company located at Sudirman Plaza, Indofood Tower 17th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76 – 78, Jakarta12910 is seeking for an energetic, qualified and reliable person who is able to work independently, for the position of Finance & Accounting Officer.

    General requirements:

    • Male max. 25 years
    • Education min. D3
    • Good knowledge of MS Office (word, excel, power point)
    • Pleasant personality & self motivated

    Please send your application letter with CV, recent photograph, copy of transcript and copy of diploma not latter than April 26, 2010to iwan.kusnardi@indosurance.com with subject FA Officer and max. file 700 kb or by mail to the above address.


  1. Dedi says:

    blognya bagus, rapih banget...

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