• Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI (Jawa Barat)

    Bank BRI is one of the largest government banks in Indonesia, which serves almost all levels of Indonesian society. Our client, a large banking in Indonesia, invites you to follow:

    Recruitment & Selection ACCOUNT OFFICER PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) banking jobs

    with the following conditions:


    1. Indonesian citizen, an advantage which is domiciled in West Java
    2. Minimal S1 State Universities / Private Colleges from all faculties / departments are accredited, preferably in Economics and Business Programs
    3. A or C driver's license
    4. Able-bodied and not color blind
    5. Grade Point Average (GPA)
    6. Minimum 2.75 (scale 4) Without Work Experience
    7. Minimum 2.60 (scale 4) With Work Experience in Marketing or a minimum one year relevant
    8. Age A maximum of 25 years (not to repeat the 26 th year on the date June 26, 2010) Without Work Experience (Code Application Form A) and A maximum of 30 years (not to repeat the year to date-31 on June 26, 2010) With Work Experience in Marketing or relevant field at least one year (Code Application Form B)
    9. Willing to be placed around the BRI Unit Area of West Java Province

    B. Submission APPLICATION

    An application letter & CV tailored format for download from www.binapotensiaindonesia.com (Committee only accept and process applications in accordance with established CV format) along with the scanned diploma, and transcripts value, CV is sent via email to the address:

    • Bpirekrutmen01@gmail.com (participants domicile in Bandung, Cimahi, Subang and Majalaya)
    • Bpirekrutmen02@gmail.com (participants domicile Cianjur, Cibadak, Purwakarta, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Garut, Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, Banjar and Ciamis).
    • Bpirekrutmen03@gmail.com (participants domicile Cirebon, Indramayu, Jatibarang, Kuningan, Majalengka, Pamanukan, and other cities that are not mentioned)

    As for other requirements that must be taken at the time of selection and stored in a blue folder, namely:
    1. Copy of ID card
    2. Copy of diploma and transcripts that have been legalized Value
    3. ID card, diploma and transcript of the original value
    4. Certificate not color blind and able-bodied from the doctor
    5. Original Birth Certificate
    6. 2 sheets Pas recent photograph size 2 x 3
    7. Has Stopped Working Certificate from the Company (for applicants of work experience)


    1. The selection process consists of: Administrative Selection, Selection of potential supporters of competence (Preliminary Tests, Psychological Tests, and Depth Interview), and final selection (Interview Test User and health)
    2. Only applicants who have passed will be included in the next stage
    3. Every stage of the selection decision is final, using a knockout, as well as inviolability of
    4. Announcements and calls the participants who passed at every stage of selection is only conducted through the site www.binapotensiaindonesia.com


    1. Applicants do not need to include documents other than those mentioned in point B and applications already submitted are not refundable.
    2. Only applicants who meet the administrative requirements (point A) and submitted her application in accordance with the provisions of point B which will be called to follow the selection.
    3. In the selection process, applicants are free of charge.
    4. All processes for the selection process was held in Bandung, the cost to and from the place of the selection process, the responsibility of the applicant.
    5. Applicants are encouraged to ignore the parties that promised to help pass this selection process.

    Submission of application via email, no later than delivered on Friday, June 18th, 2010 at 23:59. Announcement of selection results will be announced on the website administration www.binapotensiaindonesia.com on Wednesday, June 23, 2010.

    Download Application Form CV & letter below:
    Download Here


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