• Vacancy at PT. Dinamika Tiga Cahaya

    Vacancy at PT. Dinamika Tiga Cahaya
    Description: Our Company Online Shopping in Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta

    Kompleks Galeri Niaga Mediterania II Blok N no. 8C
    Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara - 14460

    Jobs for: Promotion Staff

    Work Location: North Jakarta


    1. Minimum Education High School / SMU or equivalent
    2. Able to communicate well
    3. Ability to work independently and team
    4. High initiative

    Send complete application and CV via email to: andreas.franata @ munyie.com

    Include in the letter of application, you get this job vacancy information on how and from which source (from what website or what newspapers or anything else).

    This job was closed on June 28, 2010


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