• Lowongan Kerja di PT KIA MOBIL INDONESIA

    Peluang bekerja di PT. Kia Mobil Indonesia
    Description: This company is engaged in automotive (KIA Cars)

    Jl. Sunter Agung TImur 9 Blok N.1 NO. 1A Sunter Agung
    Jakarta Utara 14350
    Tlpn: 021-6511855

    Jobs for: Cashier & GA Administrator (KG)

    Work Location: North Jakarta


    Female age max 28 yrs
    Minimum High School Education
    Interesting looking
    Experience does not take precedence
    Ready to overtime, honest, thorough, adaptable and nimble

    Please send your resume to the job:

    Jl Agung Timur 9 Blok N1 /1A, Sunter Agung
    Jakarta Utara 14350
    or mail to kmi_ass@kiamobil.net

    Include in the letter of application, you get this job vacancy information on how and from which source (from what website or what newspapers or anything else).

    This job was closed on July 18, 2010


  1. Anonymous says:

    this is good solution!!

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